We can see the shape of energy transmission in sound waves passing through air, a medium which vibrates the air particles, so the waves can move sea water
When these waves hit our ears, they trigger our sense of sound.
Sound waves spread through space, but require a medium in order to move: either air, liquids, or a solid medium.
Sound waves can’t spread through a vacuum.
The source of sound creates in the medium surround it periodic fluctuations. These fluctuations are like circular ripples that spread through water when you toss in a stone. But unlike waves in water, sound waves spread through space in all directions, and the speed they spread out at is much higher than the speed of ripples in the water.
The speed of sound waves is much slower than the speed of light waves. This difference explains the time lapse between seeing lightning and hearing thunder, even though they’re created at the exact same moment.
For every vibrating object, which vibrates the air and creates a sound wave, the speed of the vibration is different. When our ears pick up vibrations at different speeds, we hear them as higher or lower sounds. The faster the speed of the vibration, the faster the waves spreading from the vibrating object, and the higher the sound we will hear
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